Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Let's fly, let's fly away

new makeup pouch available here
Whenever I look at this fabric I always get Frank Sinatra stuck in my head. I had to listen to Come Fly With Me while taking these pictures today, and I just noticed that I opened my blinds into the living room so all of my neighbors could have seen me dancing to it, which looks something like Elaine from SeinfeldSnoopy, and Pee Wee Herman all combined. Oops.
I have another pouch like this all cut out and ready to be sewn up in cute Japanese fabric with little animals holding hands. I also have a few regular rectangular pouches finished, I just need to take pictures of them. I'm still trying to adjust to my school schedule. It's pretty crazy now that I've changed my classes all around, but I have Thursdays almost all clear, so I'm expecting to be able to do all of my shipping/sewing on that day to relax a bit. I'm happy I have sewing as a hobby because my head might just explode if I didn't have something to take my mind off school.


  1. 1. Cait, thank you so much!! I got my Pay it Forward 2011 package today and I love it!! (I blogged about it here: ) Seriously, thank you, it is soooo adorable, I'm in love :)
    2. Also, I love Frank, he always make me smile :)

  2. You're very welcome! I was nervous at first because I forgot that I had sent out my domestic Pay It Forward packages right before I left Houston, so I had no idea what you were talking about! I was looking for those packages the past few days but figured they were just put somewhere weird because of moving from Houston back to Austin. I'm glad you got it!
