Sunday, April 17, 2011

Exciting things (to me, anyway)

Do you see that little guy up there? It's a bud! I planted candy stripe zinnia seeds a bit ago, and they've been growing and growing, and now one is about to flower! I' so excited about this. I thought it was exciting enough when the seeds germinated, but I honestly expected to kill all of them before they started to flower. I have five plants about 10" tall and it makes me so proud. My tomato plant has been pretty happy, too, and I have a bunch of tomatoes on it. Last year I had zero luck with tomatoes, so I'm hoping this year I will get a nice harvest off of my two plants. Thinking about all of the fresh produce makes me get excited for canning again. I won't have a big garden this summer so probably no more pickles, but hopefully I will get stuck with so many tomatoes that I can make pasta sauce to can, and I can take advantage of the cheap summer berry prices and make some more jams. Canning is a whole lot of fun. I love that there's always enough to go around so you can share with everybody.


  1. ahh! exciting!
    i love growing things, it makes me so excited when they get bigger ^.^
    tomorrow im planting the hanging baskets for outside my house with my dad :D
    Rosie xo

  2. How exciting! i wish i had a green thumb!
