Sunday, May 8, 2011

Almost summer for me!

The ONLY picture I took last time in Portland.
I only have two more finals left and then I get to go to Portland! wee! Last time I was there we went to Multnomah Falls and got a giant apple fritter from Voodoo Donuts. This time we're planning on going to Bagby hot springs, get more donuts, and plant a garden!! I'm so excited to establish a nice garden instead of doing containers. I miss having dirt to dig around in! My container garden is doing pretty decent, but I'm still having trouble with my zinnias being all weird. It's not fully opened, but it just looks bizarre!
The tomatoes are doing pretty good, though. I'm going to go grocery shopping today so I can put that ripe tomato in the background to good use! Maybe a caprese salad? Or an avocado and tomato sandwich? Those are my favorite. Either way, summer is right around the corner and I can't wait! I still have the 15% off coupon code "summer11" running in my Etsy shop until the 17th!

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